There are a lot of questions about the best platform to stream virtual content.
Each school has its own policies and security concerns, as do several artists. In addition, the level of interaction and customization required varies from school to school.
While each platform has its own pros and cons, the platform you use will not determine if you have viewers, nor will it determine if an artist participates. What it will do is affect the look and sound of your event.
The chart below details some of the main points about each of predominant platforms.

Zoom Webinar
Zoom is the most widely used streaming portal for colleges and universities across the country. It is simple to use and has multiple tiers of security. However, the degree to customization is limited.

Webex & Microsoft Teams
Webex and Microsoft team are similar in functionality to Zoom. All three have an “academic” or “corporate” feel to them

Facebook & Instagram Live
Facebook Live and Instagram Live and well known and popular streaming platforms, but security is very limited.

Vimeo also offers a strong service, and often has higher quality video content. Security here is also fairly limited and there is a fee.

Custom Platform
Custom platforms allow the greatest level of flexibility, sound + video quality, and customization, but for a price. Most custom platforms can be connected to your existing network, but can also work independently.