Social media is one of the best ways to promote your event. It can be free, or you can pay for ads to target specific audiences. Coming up with different posts, images, info, and tips will help you get noticed. Remember that each platform is different, and should be treated as such.
Instagram can be a great tool. It is important to remember that 60% of customers use pictures to decide on a product. Instagram is a great place to share event posters, and images of the artists who will be at your event.
Hash tag, location tags, and tagging accounts that relate to your event is extremely important. People can find and share your event simply because they find your post from your tag usage. Don’t shy away from using as many hash tags as you want. The more there are, the more people will see your post. You can also do paid Instagram ads, but these tend to be less successful than FaceBook ads. Make sure everyone who is a part of your event group re-posts and tags the account associated with the event. Unlike FaceBook, Instagram can be used for marketing as much as you want – the more the merrier!
Twitter is a fast paced, constant content is key. Twitter is one of the most important social media platforms, and is a can be a great way to target a younger audience. Consistent and constant posting is key. Make sure to keep a constant mix of writing, re-posting, and sharing. Twitter gives the potential customer the feeling that they are receiving special attention, in real time. Consistent engagement and interaction with the Twitter community about your event, and even general topics relating to your event is key.
With FaceBook, continuous posting and interaction with followers is the most important. Do not post more than once a day. Unlike Twitter and Instagram, if you post more than once a day you run the risk of your post getting lost in the mix and going unseen. Paid advertisement will guarantee your posts do not go unseen. FaceBook also has one of the better systems for targeting the audience you need. Similar to Instagram, have anyone and everyone that you can respond to and share your event and posts. The more people interact with posts, the more likely other people not associated with the event will see your event.
Snapchat is one of the newer frontiers of event marketing. Marketing on Snapchat can be best day of event. Simply because it is not a place that people go to find out about shows. You can always try to have your artists do a shoutout on Snapchat about your event (keep in mind that artists will rarely agree to this), or have folks associated with your event snap event posters.
For every event, you should make sure that there is a Snapchat geofilter. For more info, check out their website:
It can feel like homework, but remember social media is just that – social! Don’t shy away from posting funny articles or GIFs. Keep in mind your customer profile and what information matters to them. Who are you trying to get to you event and what are they interested in?
The key thing to remember is to be creative and keep up with your posts.